[PIC] 171101 <While You Were Sleeping> still cuts PD NOTE

🌟10PM tonight🌟

63 95

Happy Birthday to BaeSuzy


by baesuzybar MOMO

189 209

<Uncontrollably Fond>Noh Eul
<While You Were Sleeping>Nam Hong-joo


by baesuzybar MOMO

122 131

<Gu Family Book> Dam Yeo-wool
<The Sound Of A Flower> Jin Chae-seon


by baesuzybar MOMO

129 129

<Dream High> Go Hye-mi
<Big> Mary
<Architecture 101> Yang Seo-yeon


by baesuzybar MOMO

134 148

The most pretty smile I think ! 🌸🌸🌸

1 6

Princess 👸🏻💖✨👑
My first on ^^

2 5

배수지, 함부로 우아한 그라치아 차이나 7월호 공개!
looks elegant in the July issue of GRAZIA China!

508 681

[BaeSuzy Bar hand-painting] 수지( ) @ Good-bye Baby ※Please don't remove the logo & re-edit pic.

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