Want to learn how to interpret the rock? Join us Jan 11 for our Geological Wonders of Banff, Yoho and Jasper National Parks Talk & Book Launch with . Or Feb 2, for a workshop on using the book as a learning tool. Info & registration: https://t.co/JFmrbERoIt

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This was my beaver-themed piece for ! 🐹 I got the chance to draw Banff National Park in Canada (*´◒`*)!! Be quick to get your digital copy before the offer ends~~~ https://t.co/GPgJG6LM9y

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New artwork for sale! - "Banff National Park Alberta Canada " - https://t.co/oFB6Jq11VC

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Oh Lake Louise, so beautiful and yet so full of people, lucky my elbows were working well that morning :)

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Banff National Park

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Cave and Basin国定史跡

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In The Rockies are gorgeous. So is the Modernist high school.

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Exhibition of New work by Linda Wilder opens tomorrow in our Banff Gallery | 'Toward Canmore' 40" x 60" Acrylic on Canvas

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Hot off the Easel " Stellar Moraine" 30 x 40 Acrylics on Canvas Available. https://t.co/lr3CezXh7q for details.

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Banff National Park in Canada | Photography by ©Eric Rubens

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Laluan khas haiwan liar di lebuhraya:
⚫️Jejantas Eco-Link @ BKE, Singapura
⚫️Jejantas Banff, Alberta, Kanada
⚫️Terowong Nanyuki-Meru, Kenya

2247 763