Siren, in my . In 2016, I was surprised & honored when a very talented artist named created these based on photos of my shibari. Check out his IG & Twitter feeds, he puts out a lot of beautiful stuff. 👍👍

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'Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer' (1996) é baseado num jogo para Neo Geo, console clássico dos anos 90. São dois OVAs contando uma história confusa e uma animação muito ruim, cortesia de Masami Obari. Visual exagerado, apelativo demais. Nota: 4,5/10,0

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Pictured: Two Templars and a Mage... And their Mabari.

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Sunday Art Inspiration: By Ben Templesmith, featured in the amazing anthology, Libretto, curated by Kasra Ghanbari.

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My first image of Todoroki is done! Tried Amano's style to make him look like Hibari.#bokunoheroacademia

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ナナシスのユニット募集してます!!! / unknown

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Kasumi Kai-2 Get. She looks like a loli Yuubari.

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C89 新刊 OTOMEMORY表紙絵のバージョン違いのイラストで、B2タペストリーも出ます。宜しくお願いいたします! 12/31 東N-08ab SPT/

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I ate large Yubari-melon in Yubari.夕張でメロン半玉食べたことあります。

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