It's I actually prefer this design over the final one.
Last one for now. Will have more very soon-ish.

13 22

I noticed the face on its abdomen changes in the 2 sprites, so I'm thinking that maybe it's actually the real face and the other face is a decoy.

4 17

Time to dump art of the beta Here's a slightly reimagined to look more like modern Eeveelutions.

10 26

So these Beta pokemon have really grown on me... I want them to be real.

6 31

It's been done a bunch of times before, yeah. Being busy does that to you... you miss trends but hey, you win some, you lose some.

80 214

J'ai dessiné ceux que je trouvais les plus mignons 😊

5 11

Some beta monsters from last night's stream. It was fun so I might do more :)

20 42