using the she-ra princess creator to make an angel of brama nureyev? more likely than you'd think

0 15

Quando all'appello del silente pensiero io cito il ricordo dei giorni passati,
sospiro l'assenza di molte cose bramate e a vecchie pene lamento lo spreco della mia vita...

/ sonetto 30

12 18

29 avril 1848: naissance de Ravi Varmâ, peintre indien.
➡️Shri Shanmukha Subramania Swami, représentation du dieu Kârttikeya 
➡️Porteuse de lait.

1 9

Donato di Angelo di Pascuccio, detto il

👨‍🎨 Bramante

(Fermignano, 1444 – Roma, 11 aprile 1514) architetto e pittore italiano, tra i maggiori del Rinascimento

🖼 Uomo con mazza

🖼 Cristo alla Colonna (attribuito)

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Adoration of the Christ Child is a painting in tempera and oils of c. 1485 by Bramantino in the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan.

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Adoration of the Child, by Bramantino

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Adoration of the Child, by Bramantino

1 2

“Subramani Micheal Kamraj”
aka Karate Mani
aka Master
from Japan by by

15 129

Barilla Textured Recipes by Cinzia Bolognesi & Simone Bramante

2 4

artblock hits hard ;n;
have some girls in love

17 37

I finished it xD will make more original works in the meantime for cf 😭💕
Yess i’m from Bali and this girl is wearing traditional Balinese clothe for Panyembrama dance.. kinda the only dance that I know 😭


81 211

Happy New Year with the of by at castle in In discover the secret beauties of the most dynamic city in visit with the experts:

0 4

Comme certains l'ont deviné !

Nous avons l'immense plaisir de vous annoncer notre collaboration avec Buichi Terasawa l'auteur du manga Cobra!

10 24

Do you know there is a place in where you can admire and Visit the with our guided and get the best of this amazing Contact the at

2 3