Cute boy✨✨✨

I’m surprised I don’t draw him more often..

3 19

"We must bring your own light to the darkness"
- Charles Bukowski

0 1

I will remember the kisses. Our lips raw with love and how you gave me everything you had and how I offered you what was left of me.

- Charles Bukowski / Raw with love

Art by Monica Barengo

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"Popol Vuh" includes the Mayan Twin Hero's Hunahpu & Xbalanque as they avenge their father in the Underworld of Xibalba. They meet Camazotz, bat-like monsters, in the House of Bats and unfortunately, Hunahpu's head is captured by the monster
🖼️:Michael Bukowski

12 34

Al contrario di un uomo, una donna non ti sfiora mai per errore o per distrazione.

🎨 Leonid Afremov


89 210

An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.

Happy birthday,

2 6

Kissy kiss
I love this little crackship I thought of they’re so cute <3 I like to think that the Bukowski twins would kiss him on both cheeks at the same time just so he can’t squirm away from their love

6 34

Si deve morire un po' di volte
Prima di iniziare
A vivere davvero



Ennio Montariello

7 8

They only mess with Rupert because they want his attention but they suck at showing their true feelings. They have one braincell and one love and it’s a mess. Rupert wants to punt them both :)

5 33

Finally there is nothing here for death ..
.. to take away.

Charles Bukowski

🎨 Gabriel Pacheco

1 8

Наша с Софой-Совой общая ау
Арт по первому рассказу из цикла "Истинное господство" (автор текста Софа, группа Софы в Вк:

4 32

Sometimes I miss you so much that I don't think I can. Then I do it, but I miss you all the same.
(Charles Bukowski)

64 277

Sorun şu ki birlikte yaşlanacak birini arıyoruz,işin sırrı birlikte çocuk kalacak birini bulmak...

Charles Bukowski / Painter Rita Cardelli

673 780

a bukowski reina de las bombas, rompedora de muros

esta ve un zombie y se lo come (literalmente...)

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I love this 15thc terracotta bust of a young John the Baptist so much, he looks like your secondary school boyfriend who is always holding a Charles Bukowski novel with the title facing out and tells you that your music taste is "actually pretty decent."

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Carl Larsson (Swedish painter) 1853 - 1919
Kurragömma (Hide and Seek), 1898
watercolour with oil paint
93 x 62 cm. (36.61 x 24.41 in.)
signed C.L. low right
private collection
© photo Bukowskis

Catalogue Note Bukowskis

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