It’s a good day to have a good day! Share your list or project below, follow/RT others & gift if you can. Mine is in the comments. Any help is appreciated!

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I’m going to be a first year teacher this school year in second grade! Any and all help would be more than incredible.😊

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Leah Alix is my name, connecting through art is my game.
Truly its not all coloring & play; it’s reinforcing skills & knowledge every day
Freedom to express what kids can’t always SAY, art is one amazing tool in every way!!

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I start 8/3! I am going to RT as many lists as I can until then! 2 have some fun post 1 crazy thing that a student has said/that you have told a student & then ⬇️ your list. RT as well.

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For let’s focus on ways we as teachers can help other educators feel appreciated and supported! Maybe it’s an email to your favorite teacher, a letter to your colleagues, a gift to someone the inspires you.

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With the announcement that I will for the rest of the year.I've started preparing for my new coming in the fall.I created a new your list below, I'll help RT them

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I have been pushing my hard this week and have seen little movement. I know a lot is going on. I’m trying to send my students Lexile appropriate books. Many don’t have books @ home. It would mean the 🌍! 🙏🏻

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This is my coworker’s Donors Choose project for paper organization! She needs help as it expires in 9 days!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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OMG!!! I started squealing and had tears in my eyes. I am so excited!

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Arizona Art Teacher is in class busy teaching art,so here is her wish list with some great art books. Maybe one of you could help her students out? RT

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Thank you so much for supporting us! I am an Elementary Special Education teacher that needs books for my 2nd & 3rd grade social skills group, so we can discuss the skills they need to be successful.

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It would be fabulous if someone bought the books I need for my 2nd & 3rd grade social skills group, so we can discuss the skills they need to be successful. These are so needed, but so overlooked. Thanks so much!#shrinkthelist

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Every year I purchase a new shirt...

My newest addition was inspired by fellow teacher friend and giver

Thank You 😍

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