Shhhhh (El Folclore Paradox | The Observatory)
imus (皓々)
CRAZY NEO (White Space Lab Records)

6 8

Tava fazendo o design de alguns personagens do folclore brasileiro no meu traço. Não sei se faço algo com eles, uma hq ou outra coisa Estou aberta a sugestões.

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The Anatomy of a CyberKid is difficult to pin down. Their hybrid DNA functions at a molecular level, selectively altering itself to adapt in a single generation.

They’re engineered not to reach puberty, with no need for sexual reproduction.

on 🚀

10 17

ตั้งใหม่อีกรอบแบบชัดกว่าเมื่อกี้ 🥺
Cr. Mewlody1997

3 18

((repost again, but i won't put the link here))


Ama siang💙
Terima kasih atas dukungan kalian semua selama hampir 1 tahun, berkat kalian ama bisa sampai di titik ini

PO dibuka sampai 31 September 2022

7 26

Here's my reality oc lore! This took about 2hrs and I'm very proud of this! ( )

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Please, let me introduce you to weirdo italian folclore 🖤🤍

Borda, a river witch drowning children
Janara, witch who eat children
Scilla and Cariddi, lovecraftian-style monsters that destroy ships and eat men
Ghost riders, ghosts and demons of winter that hunt humans at nigh https://t.co/6L2LTgAau2

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Please, let me introduce you to weirdo italian folclore 🖤🤍

Borda, a river witch drowning children
Janara, witch who eat children
Scilla and Cariddi, Lovecraftian-style monsters that destroy ships and eat men
Ghost riders, ghosts and demons of winter that hunt humans at nigh

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“One day, as the bird was flying across the sky, he happened upon an ocean. He dove into the water and swam for so long that he eventually forgot how to fly. Over time, he came to believe he was born this way.”

— bird no. 02, Birds of Paradise

3 14

Oya? Is this beeg enough for you?

better late than nothing ehhehehe
art by

8 75

Qual lenda urbana, folclore etc vocês gostariam que eu fizesse hj? 👐

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Primeiro longa de animação produzido em Pernambuco tem personagens do nosso folclore como ponto de partida! “Além da lenda defende que não é preciso negar o que vem de fora, mas dar espaço ao que é feito aqui, sem julgá-lo como inferior.” – conta Marília Mafé, diretora.


13 55

“I still remember the Lake’s crystal waters. We shipped cargo down the river to the Dome.

It all changed with that new protocol. The Lake dried up and none of our people ever made it back with answers.”

- Lord Kirdogan, of the Undergrounders


10 13

“She was known for her ability to perfectly copy the songs of anything she heard. This along with her beauty made her an object of desire. She couldn’t find the pathway to paradise because she could not find her own voice.”

— bird no. 15, Birds of Paradise

2 14

Concepts para um pitch de uma animação inspirada na lenda dos Alebrijes do folclore mexicano

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ไปคอมมิชมาสคอทตัวเองดุ๊กดิ๊กมาค่ะ ✨

ไม่ว่าวาดอะไรเกี่ยวกับเรา จะมาสคอท หรือว่าตัวละครบนปกเพลงของเราก็ติดแท็กนี้ได้หมดเลยนะคะ !

หรือว่าพูดถึงเราโดยทั่วๆไปก็ติด ได้นะ 🥺🧡

7 25

do you ever just. clorenz oc

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