It is impossible to showcase the work of Heath Robinson without a stop off at his time as 'The
Gadget King'

His cartoons featuring wacky machines and odd contraptions were what eventually put his name in the dictionary!📘📘

'Bedroom Comfort' (1933)

3 12

🎶: Calypso was helping out Clair clean up her lab, which Calypso found a weird device and decided to try it out, which causes this to happen. "Clair has such w-weird contraptions in her lab... t-this feels too good~..."

23 150

We are busy at work carefully putting everything where it needs to be on every page to make the most fun comic possible.

Detailed contraptions by
Color brought to your world by

2 3

I beat Nights of Azure last night and commented that if felt incomplete. Started Nights of Azure 2 today and it feels like part remake part contraption, adding all the features that were left out. Im interested in know of 3 would be iteration like this or a different direction.

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A weapons engineer that only could invent the most horrible and cruel weapons, he had to freeze his heart solid to bring himself to actually use his awful implements! Here's just a couple of his contraptions, the Sadistic Sabre and the Pain Pistol!

31 329

LMFAOOO he’s wearing some weird arm contraption like what is that

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What kid's book are you enjoying at the moment? I am loving Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption by Jose Domingo

4 9

Cooper the Keg-Knight!
Built from barrels and buckets, Cooper clanks along the battlefield with winding contraptions and keg cannons blazing! A billowing tarp that was the covering to his shipping container serves as his cape and protects him from the elements!

73 556

Have you ever seen such a useful contraption?

313 1111

u can read about my hipster "farmtrepreneur" who wants to market her small-batch berry potions (& poisons) and her cousin, a quick thinking engineer who makes helpful (& harmful) crafted contraptions, on my patreon

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"Bro, what happened to your 'I'll easily get out of there' ?"
"Sorry Bro, I like my Burgers well done."

Silly colored sketch I drew of my friend and me trying out a contraption at a medieval market.

169 744

Grab Catchler!
It's the golden bounty-bot who is trapping his way across the Weird West! With countless cunning contraptions and spring loaded snares housed in a gleaming torso, bounties and animals alike beware this brazen bot and his bear-trap cane!

67 554

2020 vs 2015

Lacey dress is harder to draw than any mechanical contraption I can think up of

370 1929

Day 206: Snowsant in Animal Crossing (WIP)

Working on this every other day and I am slowly getting there! Today I painted in the details on her net contraption.

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Yo. I’m an 18 y/o concept artist trying to break in to the industry. I love designing creatures, characters, and contraptions. Thanks for stopping by.

14 56

Howdy! I’m Elijah. I’m 18 years old and I have a passion for creating. I love designing creatures, characters, and all manner of contraptions. I’m trying to learn to draw with my left hand because I broke the other one. I appreciate the support I’ve received recently. Thanks

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Commission for , asking for an inflatable Hexa Braixen looking at a contraption for info. I don't think the Hexa toy has noticed, but you can't get any information from an inflatable object.

8 44

The gods used to live in our brains until this demonic contraption forced them out

15 50

I'm doing a full project from pre-production to game ready assets for a hypothetical game involving goblins and their contraptions, so I can learn and practice about all the stages of game dev asset production pipeline 😃☕️

Now I'm in the concept stage

0 8

Our demons have changed into AI contraptions
We take them for a walk in the park
On a two-metre lead
For their unnatural relief
We are just fooled to believe
That we are the masters holding the leash
Art by Borja Puig

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