Our actions, today, could result in the end of human thought, for the remainder of eternity.

All we have done will mean nothing.

Worse, we'll take most other species with us. 💔

Now, that's scary... ☠️


2 4

Climate warming and trophic mismatches in terrestrial ecosystems: the green–brown imbalance hypothesis https://t.co/B5BSBtuTiA

3 12

We are in a

Transitioning to a clean economy isn't costly, failing to act is costly: infrastructure damage, increased refugee movement, food insecurity from droughts and flooding, health impacts etc. Estimated global cost of inaction: $8+ trillion USD

27 120

& en la viñeta de DuBus s/
y el escepticismo de Bénédicte

➕#humor de de la semana

4 3

「万聖節」の前夜祭「#ハロウィン」では、収穫のお祝いとともに、先祖の霊をお迎えするので、ハロウィンと同じ日にイギリスのグラスゴーで開催される  の前に、小鳥達の先祖の恐竜が地球の未来を心配して国連に現れ、演説したのかもしれませんね🦖🎃

26 148

Ouverture de la Sans la Chine et la Russie, il ne nous restera que les yeux pour pleurer. Merci à l'excellent dessinateur
qui dénonce la consommation de viande, l'une des principales causes du réchauffement climatique toujours occultée.

25 49

Morten Morland on   - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

15 40

Ring out for Climate Change! 🔔

Between 10.00 and 14.00 we will be joining in the nationwide call for churches to ring their bells on the eve of the Climate Conference in Glasgow.

8 39

Cartoon from 2015... Hopefully we'll do better this time

8 33