a lot of people are affected by the coronavirus, lets wash our hands more often for at least 20 seconds after touching things

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Dengue-Chan viendo complacida como compras papel de baño y gel anti-bacterial por el Coronavirus, pero no lavas el tinaco, acumulas agua sin tapar y dejas que se encharque el agua potable.

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A mi también me gusta hacer coñas de coronavirus, pero ante todo sé responsable y toma precauciones

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If you’re due to but still want to be entertained and informed about all things books, authors, writing and publishing, may I recommend the ‘We’d Like A Word’ podcast hosted by and available here: https://t.co/JQhLaexLqh

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Trump et le coronavirus, l’étoffe d’un Néron ?

L’Amérique se demande si Trump à la hauteur.
Alors qu’il déclare enfin l’état d’urgence après qq sorties hasardeuses
« Tout va bien se passer, le virus s’en ira en avril » « C’est un nouveau canular des démocrates »

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Sorry coronavirus, meteorito o cualquier otra cosa pero no puedo morir sin antes ver a mi Hualian. Espero este donghua con todo mi ser.

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Me and my boss, joking about how if she gets coronavirus, I'll have to take over and be the new scenic charge
Boss: *called out sick the last 2 days*
Me rn:

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In light of COFACE wants to emphasis one particular value we live by - Solidarity!

For our European society to stay safe & healthy we need everyone! Support the most vulnerable among us by changing your own habits temporarily.

Stay updated👉https://t.co/jNGr3SbZfG

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Fuck coronavirus, I drew baby yoda finally

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es otro que sale perjudicado por el Coronavirus, y es que se aplazó su estreno del 31 de julio al 7 de agosto.

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Stay Safe from the Coronavirus, Wash your hands & Stay Healthy. 😷💗

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Thank you for this!! My name is Abbie and my commissions are open!! I'm a fantasy character artist 💜💜 any commissions at this time are greatly appreciated due to hours being cut by half at work due to coronavirus, I also have a Patreon you can look at💜

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La sanidad pública saqueada por los neoliberales es la que se enfrenta al coronavirus, mientras la privada sigue intentando hacer negocio comercializando los test a precios desorbitados

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Me trying not to stress about apartment inspection, my school projects, my school's evolving response to the coronavirus, and all the other shit going on right now:

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cw: coronavirus, uspol, 2020 primaries

damn it's a shame we don't have a real progressive in the white house who actually has a plan for the coronavirus instead of a bunch of corrupt reTHUGlicans ad libbing

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So, here’s something interesting about Issue story — it involves everyone at Retsuko’s job succumbing to a pandemic called “The C-Virus” (Carrier Virus).

Everyone thinks it’s a riff on the coronavirus, but I wrote the script for this story MONTHS AGO, y’all

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Today in the stunning work of designer Núria Madrid and 3D artist Cristian Malagón. Checkout the FAUNA series, so cool.

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Gisterenavond gehoord vanuit de vriendenkring:
Familielid vertoont symptomen van belt de huisarts en wordt NIET getest.

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Fellas, should I risk going with my GF to this anime and possibly getting coronavirus, or should I listen to my instincts and stay home? She wants to go and doesn't wanna go alone, but I'm like: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" @ being around a lot of people right now.

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