Cosplans for this year >:)

Fjord is gonna take the most effort by far tbh

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Don't have a lot of cosplans because money is tight atm but these are my next goals!!
If I make 2 of them I'll be already satisfied ❤️🤣

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2021 cosplans.,,
aiming low in hopes that even i cannot be disappointed

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My 2021 Cosplans! 🎉
These are subject to change because I say I’m going to cosplay everyone 🙃
Not pictured is Jourreal, since there isn’t any official art for her, and of course I’ll do a few more smaller cosplays but these are just my big projects

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Also some tentative cosplans for this year! Only a few for now as I’m keeping my options open since no doubt more things will come out this year that I’ll want to cosplay 😅

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I got a shit ton of amazon money so woohoo cosplans time 🥴🥴🥴

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Con season can come again 😌
My (actually already in progress) Cosplans for 2021 ✨

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My cosplans never ending 🥴🥴🥴🥴👀👀👀

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hm,,,,, my bige cosplans next year? Why thank u for asking

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Winter Break cosplans, posting for accountability

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yo: bueno en cuanto vuelva al cosplay que sea poco a poco y con cosas sencillitas

mi cerebro pensando en cosplans:

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These are my 2020 cosplans, make of them what you will

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change for me entirely too much but in theory these will be the ones I finish/start🥴

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My cosplans are very polar opposite....

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hi welcome to “soph’s proseka cosplans that she may never do but will dream about constantly”

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I cant wait to cosplay La Brava when we finally get a con again ♡♡ what are your cosplans? :)~

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