Hey now, Star Wars fans of various forms of Star Wars art, it's time for a better late than never Top 5! Young Nick is down with Covid, so your's truly is taking on double duty this week by choosing the latest round of Top 5 Star Wars artists features.


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Been at work since 5am and I woke up feeling as sick as a dog. No fever or cough or anything and tested negative for covid, so no idea what's going in. My body just feels super weak and I have negative energy

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I may still be recovering from Covid, but I can at least imagine a nice cool pool day Q^Q

🖌️ YCH: miyosya

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I had a bit of a delay because of the covid, but I just got my last rabies shot! I am officially 100% vaccinated for rabies!!!

This also means I'm immune to rabies for six months, so I'm free to pet any animal I want!!! I shall now make it my life's goal to pet a raccoon

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More secrets of you never expected to see… and our boss still has COVID, issuing new orders from his secret bunker to &

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Hihi! I run a little shop with my fiancé over at ! We do art and fursuits and a lot of stuff! I’m out of work for a little because we got Covid, so we have a bit of ER stuff open! Here’s some stuff we’ve done!

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Quisiera que alguna de las temporadas de en tuvieran doblaje para que ahorita que estoy con covid, con dolor de ojos y me siento mareada, pueda ver algunos episodios sin necesidad de leer los subs y solo oírlos mientras me quedo dormida...

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We bring tidings of joy after being a bit quiet (Covid, meh).

Next week we'll be sending out a BUMPER summer newsletter with lots of awesome book stuff + requests for review copies + blog tours. AND Pet Corner.

To join the list pls see our pinned tweet.

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I first created this piece during the peak of Covid, but I decided to work on it again in light of recent events. The recent actions of those in positions of power really has shown me that America isn't just full of clowns, it's the whole damn circus.

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sorry for being MIA.
Covid, finals and life got in the way but hey its ARTFIGHT time!
im working on my comms atm but when i dont feel motivated for that i do art fight on team wither, heres some attacks i did this year! <3

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Hello !!

I'm finally starting to feel better after having covid, I hope everyone's doing well :)

There are currently 4/10 of The Myshkins available for 0.01 $ETH on Polygon!


I'll be releasing more in the future😊

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We’ve hit 25,000 followers…

I honestly don’t know what to say, I started this account at the peak of Covid, things were rough.

After all this time, every post you’ve supported me with every like, and retweet!

Thank you, I can’t thank you enough!
Much love!🙏🏻❤️

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Character portrait for my half-orc battle master fighter, Valanthe Shisk, for the 3 1/2-year long running campaign, on hiatus for a year due to COVID, that we are just about to finish!

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My boyfriend's family has COVID, so I gotta get my own food and groceries while I'm isolating.
I'm selling some old characters to get some funds.

DM me or comment to claim!

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Man meant the fucking world to me. He helped me through dark times, gave me something to look forward to during COVID, something to laugh about when I was enduring my own familial tragedies to cancer, all of it. I can’t even put it into words. He lives on in all of us. RIP techno

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6) Pre-covid, I traveled quite a lot because I work remotely. Changing the environment is a great refreshment. Even going to a coffee shop helps. In the past 2 years I could only looked at pictures and dream on (my country had a ridiculous covid measure. Was a hassle to move)

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So now that everyone's sympathetic about the fact that I have covid, please go and buy Sins of the Black Flamingo and The Department of Truth both out today from Image!

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alrighty since i lost my voice after getting covid, how do u guys feel about me doing mute streams until i recover? i type fast enough i think... i know it's not the same but it'll be easier on my throat for now :'3 lemme know your thoughts on it! 🐈

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I got covid, so i finally have time to paint stuff, heres to getting me back into it.

Also! Shaved half my head off and got my ears pierced!

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Hace poco me hice aplicar la inyección contra el covid, y quise hacer algo deferente ✨

Espero les guste❤️✨

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