Day 10: Fave X-Antibody Digimon
I'll be honest I don't follow the X-Antibody Digimon much but I really do love the design of Renamon X.

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Day Nine: Favourite Armor Digimon

I had SO much fun drawing this I was giggling the entire time ashdhkashkdjahdsk

I LOVE SHEEPMON!! I pulled her card once way back when, and I NEVER forgot about her.

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It‘s the 9th Day of !
Today’s theme is Favourite Armor Digimon

Mine are Raidramon and Toucanmon

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Day 9 - Favorite Armor Digimon - Holsmon. As with all the previous categories I had a super hard time picking a favorite.

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Day 5: Fave Ultimate(s)
I have a soft spot for MegaSeadramon, since it was my partner digimon the first time I beat Digimon World (His name was Glenn!). Mamemon I've loved forever, its probably one of my first ever faves :D

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day 8, favorite Armor Digivolution, Halsemon!

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OH BOY, this one took me way too much, but i made it in the end!
day 8: Favorite fusion
I really like the look of the Cyber Sleuth/Hacker's Memory glitch.

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Day Eight: Favourite Fusion Digimon

Silphymon is pretty cool!! Always thought they looked amazing in the show!

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Day 8 - Favorite Fusion Digimon - Chaosmon Valdur Arm. I wasn't sure what fusion was referring here for this prompt so I went with one of my favorite jogresses. I love all three of the Chaosmon, but Valdur Arm is my favorite among them.

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Day 7: I just think he's neat :D

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Day 7, favorite Ultra level Digimon.

Omnimon is just too iconic for me to not pick him for today. Also, holy hell are the high level Digimon hard to draw. Please forgive me for the details I left out or got wrong. I'm trying to only spend 1-2 hours on these drawings.

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day 6! Omegamon!
My personal favorite Ultra

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Day 4: Fave Champion(s)
I'm a huge fan of Digimon World so I'm biased to like all the Digimon in it lol, but Coelamon has a special place in my heart because I've always thought its design was cool and- wait, why is it running- oh no oh NO

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day 07, I'm more used to the term super ultimate but for this, it was one of the easier choices.

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Kicking off today with some 👍
Come check out the adventure today at 3pm EST

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I have a lot of catching up to do but here are days 1 and 2 of

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Been drawing a lot of digimon and my friend said I should do ! So here is betamon for day 1!

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