Spaun is a former Royal Librarian for Lordaeron. Sections of her body are made up of 'The Empty' which seemingly hold some sort of shape, but in reality is an endless, all-consuming void. Spaun lives in a hidden tower offering protection to fellow undead in exchange for books.💀

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Ashlynh and her partner in crime, Gloomwing. Trained as a squire in Lordaeron, once she became Forsaken, she served as a Dreadguard. But a run in with a possessed weapon left her mind-stolen til now. So now she travels looking for a purpose.

Hunter, Squire, Bat-Trainer.

1 13

daeron had canonically dark hair? I don't know her

57 196

Did you know I created a few cards for World of WarCraft? Feast your eyes on Lordaeron

0 9

I UH...

This is Gabriel Ross. Fallen soldier, Knight of the Black Mass in Hand of Lordaeron, happily married to his husband who's a drunk shadow priest.
(First piece done by me, second drawn by my talented guildmate and colored by me)

1 8

"With a letter of recommendation from Archmage Antonidas, she was accepted to study at Scholomance Academy in Lordaeron, -- only to be cut down during the Scourge invasion."


26 368

Alterac Mountains

A quiet and forgotten part of Lordaeron

20 168

Atticus and Wylenna are married 🖤

It's been since the fall of Lordaeron to the scourge that they've seen each other. Neither knows the other is "alive" (both Undead)

(Art by BR_Soule and _glittergoth )


0 7

My son. The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name,

📷 Hosein Sharifi (ArtStation)

1 8

I followed since the art was so relatable, I do a bit of own art. But am mostly learning ♥ I has a few artist frens or artists I think are awesome; @/JunkieSlasher @/Trolldaeronart @/Sho_Guru @/shiverspooky @/ChonkyHavana @/shioshark @/TinaShuh @/pay2wrynn @/Mr_Rockadopolis

0 6

Hillsbrad Foothills

One of the less-corrupted regions of Lordaeron

23 189

"I make these Demon Hunters nervous. Little old me. Tehd from Lordaeron. Hee hee"

I think he is neat.

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Daeron and Maglor (flirting) being music nerds

47 137

Lastly uh Jun-Jahi!

43. His full name Is Jun-Jahi Jewelcrest and If you call him any variation of JJ he will smite you.

44. He has two older brothers, both "perished" in the fall of Lordaeron.

45. Even though his family name Is for jewelry making his ancestors are known-

0 2

First up is Maroonine!

1. She has two siblings!

2. Shes been betrothed 3 times and never married.

3. If she weren't a sanlayn (if Lordaeron hadnt fallen) Shed be teaching in a university there!

0 6

Sister Rosefinch (or just Sister Finch as she prefers) has a family that came from Lordaeron and they're all quite devout worshippers of the Light, so it was only natural that she follow suit, but her talent with the Light was bolstered by a bigger talent for kindness & empathy

3 49

Silverpine Forest

Eerie woodlands of Lordaeron

57 524

✨ Daena’s Daydream ✨ I’m like, SUPER proud of this one, and that is not (yes) because Daeron I is ultimate bae and this ship is my life 😔❤️🤲🏻

23 92

“ser, my father is going to join the seven accusers,” egg broke in. “he says it is the only way to redeem aerion’s honor, and daeron’s.”

“not that i ever asked to have my honor redeemed,” said prince daeron sourly. “whoever has it can keep it.”

art •

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day 17: the red or the black dragon.
— the red dragon.

"ten thousand men had died for daemon blackfyre's vanity. king daeron's efforts at peace had been shattered, through no fault of his own save perhaps too much mercy for his envious half brother."

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