Dage's Warriors 👀

10 37

En deuxième je met Julian. Excellent dage, mais malheureusement pas d'arme PRF.
Sa def est pas dégueu, de là à lui mettre un Close foil ? C'est jouable, mais pas méga opti.
Mais en tant que dague il reste correct(Bon il vaut pas S!Mia, mais quand même)

0 3

Look at that teenie bloosh on dage cheeks I'm ascending OMG🥺 THEY'RE SO HECKIN CUTE

10 68

Me: It’s already 3 a.m. the fuck ?
Also me:
Dage protect. Dage attack

29 81

Dage got a UDON pet bed

79 267

“dage!! how does it look?”

1158 2697

dia dos: Boda Occidental
dage puede cargar a la guayabita con una sola mano

63 261

It's the NieLan's family headcanon that this outer robe pattern is very Qinghe-ish. Personally, I think this was given after their wedding, you know---public claiming ha-ha! Dage is such a possessive man 💝😉

Let's have Xichen modeling it (with a cute hip-swing, LoL) 💝 💝 💝

6 16

gambling au inspired by 40's old shanghai...me likes the clothes from then~~ mafia nie dage 😭🙏

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congratuwations dage, erge~~ ahaha its not oftems you cry dis much ( ´͈ ◡ `͈ ) https://t.co/OU5x49fSyn

214 922

dage? more like daddy 😏

194 590

hes so HANDSOME... dage im so in love with u and ill protect u from this shitty fandom and also jgy

0 4

I didn't know Dage was in Dungeon Defenders 2.

Been playing a lot of Dungeon Defenders Awakened. Stuck on Nightmare Campaign :|

1 4

I woke up to manhua NMJ and MY and I'm fed, so fed. So happy!!! They're such cute babies sobbu. Yesss dage take care of HIM

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