Abby Cox, nearly blind Huckster who can still wreck your shit.

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I am loving this commission by BlasticHeart on DA of Hell on Earth Gretchen

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Some HoE Gretchen cause I am trying to get back into arting.

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It's Gretchen's 2nd anniversary of her creation and 2 years since I started playing Deadlands.
So have a Gretchen <3

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Also realized I don't think I posted this yet. A facial reference for Lily Mayfair (Whateley Huckster/Blood Mage).

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I'm going through this weird art funk/block. But have some Trelawny that I managed to do.

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Dr. Trelawny Huxley, psychologist and researcher of the occult.

He's been messing with occult crap which is corrupting him (aka the hand and veins). His flesh where the veins are is freezing cold.

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Previews of a little animation thing im working on for my deadlands character Emry kinda going around his origin story and what not. :3c

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latest deadlands developments, Cory made a sentient robot dog named Benjamin and when asked what color it wanted to be said:
"all of them. i cannot pick. a single color. when they're all so pretty."
so it became a shiny iridescent robot dog

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Also made another deadlands character for my roommate's ttrpg her name is Emma and she believes she's psychic but really it's just her ghost husband moving things

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Deadlands adventure cover i've had a honor to work on :)

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I've set to draw every character in the deadlands rpg me and my friends are in. One of my friends has made an absolute trash can lady and I love her.

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Pardon me while I happily squee about this for the next thousand years.

I imagine this is at least a week after her death and she's come back, taken clothes and meat from the buried corpses.

(Drawn by Gatobob on Tumblr)

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Finally didon her Harrowed redesign. Most of her body is scarred up, obvious death wound. Haven't decided on how she hides it yet. Doesn't seem the type to wear a scarf. Totally stole all those clothes from the dead civilians from the train she derailed.

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I'll get around to drawing an actual redesign but I wanted to draw her death wound that is from her head separating from her body when her body was caught in the explosion that killed her.

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Been dealing with some pretty bad insomnia lately. I started the basic sketch at 1 or 2 am this morning before managing to get some sleep.

On another note, I think of Gretchen as a sort of "persona" at times. *shrugs*

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A bit of a concept art for a Deadlands Noir character named Sarah Mitchell, destitute starving artist grifter. Her vice is smoking and she uses her cigarette ashes with water as a poorman's greyscale paint. She has a delusion that a man she sees often is her soulmate.

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Commission I got from the awesome Cross-The-Swirl on DeviantArt of Molly's updated look.

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Some more doodles I did last night. The arm being a reference for Molly's right arm after the acid burns are healed.
Spooky cards cause why not. And my early idea of the manitou that Thaddeus deals against in

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A sketch commission of Addie Barrow I had done by GabingGalmot534 on dA. (Then i got bored and colored it).

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