A lil kachow draw (offering even though im not gonna roll for her pfft)
Good luck for people rolling for Ei the Raiden Shogun!!

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今天我們的雷電將軍雕像終於要出完全圖啦 今天塗裝完成 稍晚點會更新彩圖 感謝大家的關注 同樣的我們也需要更多的關注 謝謝你們

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感謝大家的關注 我們很高興的宣佈明天就要更新彩色實物圖啦

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这几天正在加紧上色工序中😂😂😂感谢大家的耐心等待 我们一定会把产品做到尽善尽美🥰🥰🥰#Genshin

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I love the character designes for the new fairy tail origins! So I thought I’d draw them all idk who to do next lol and I referenced Golden_Soul for the outfit! (idk their @ )

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