Passion for Sugar colorful rebranding
Passion for Sugar colorful rebrandi...

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Amici miei, è sempre la Cultura che costruisce le persone e unisce i mondi...

Sereno giorno 🌞

51 284

Apenas um joguinho de "quem sou eu" que eu, e fizemos na casa do Dear quando ele estava de férias.
Foi exatamente assim e nessa rodada eu perdi...

70 229

Merci encore pr cette petite soirée ♥️ On se retrouve la semaine pro pour la suite de Divinity, et sinon mercredi... Pour dessiner du cute ✨

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I suppose after the punch of angst mhy is giving us the candy we deserve - return to cloudbreak temple, his leather jacket we bought for him in Skadi... and his wishes for us... I'm going to sob really hard

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Sesudah dan sebelum nambahin warna, awalnya pengen sampe sketchnya aja gitu, tapi asa kagok jadi... Yeaah 🤟

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Bonne après-midi...

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A, Aku nggak tau mau gambar apa...
Jadi.... Maaf kalo gambarnya jelek 😔🙏

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well shit. i forgot about audi...

he do be big. like 10ft big. and buff. buffsooshi.

50 321

Gallahan Lombardi...💞😎

5 23

ban............b........banbodi............. :(

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Me descargue medibang paint y bueno el trazos quedo más acorde ajzjxjxjxjz aunque sigue siendo medio desprolijo , y no le entiendo al medi...

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ya sé a quién me recuerda lyle collodi.... !

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Randi...u r en fuego! BB pickups
Halo...nice...we are angels in this movement ;)

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Saya sudah minta maaf ke
Tapi kok masih di...

Saya klarifikasi secara live semuanya

Rabu, 05 Januari 2022 jam 13.00WIB

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Two days before Skadi... I need to calm down 😭 I don't believe in my savings.... I still can't believe that the event is so soon 😭

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Ah oui, demain giga grosse annonce pour jeudi et vendredi....
Dont une surprise jeudi pour ceux qui viendront 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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