Happy birthday to Colleen O'Shaughnessey (), best known as the voice Sora Takenouchi in the Adventure series, as well as Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda in Angie Hinomoto & Monitamon in and Tapirmon in


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I will get back to getting more Shoutmon pics in the future, but heres a reminder of how special his smile is <3

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Happy birthday to Christopher Corey Smith (), the voice of Jijimon (reprising the role in Goblimon, RedMeramon, SlushAngemon, and Grademon in


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Hoy cumple años Pilar Coronado, Voz en el en castellano de Monitamon y Pickmon en

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Commish featuring Garudamon as part of Olegmon's army in Xros Wars. The parrot to Olegmon's pirate if you will.

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A big thank you for for drawing these amazing pieces of art of my favorite Digimon! It really means a lot to me! Your art is amazing! keep up the amazing work!

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