Luna "the Spade"

A former Marine archaeologist who's been the Professor's assistant since she was a young girl. She's often heard saying "Dig this, Professor!" when making a discovery. She's eaten the Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Bloodhound.

Played by
Art by

4 14

🎹 12/09 - Yasumu has a touching story to tell in ‘Escaping Reality’, a 13-track album that examines his relationship with classical piano growing up. Careful drums, signature piano compositions and orchestral elements portray the beauty in his journey of self-discovery.

0 38

I made a dark discovery........

4 39


Self taught and formally educated multimedia artist exploring concepts of life, death, legacy, and self discovery.

I sense a SR Genesis coming soon & it’s in my works here.

17 33

I can honestly say that I had no idea that there was a second version of the "crane-tank" and that this first picture is a good representation of my reaction to the discovery.

1 4

Por lo que entendí, será entre el sexto y el séptimo libro.

Además que harán canon el juego de cartas que sucede 10 después de la batalla de howarts.

Sinceramente esto lo hacen porque están desesperados tras la cagada que está haciendo Discovery...

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LOVED THIS for once romance is the sideplot and it was more of a focus on his journey of acceptance and self discovery.. also i want to put the artstyle in my mouth

1 5

*new discovery. …

—beautiful landscapes, from Monica Morrill.
*(—with thanks to ).


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My heart goes out to every visionary and their passionate teams that got fucked over by the transphobe, abusive enabler of a hack CEO in charge of Warner Discovery.

7 27

Orville, Dead Man's Watch has such an interesting premise . Hats off to you .
I would like to share Metamorphosis - a story of blood diamonds & rebellion and one girl's story of self discovery.
Coming Oct 2022.

What are you promoting?

6 6


"Come on a magical of wonder and This beautiful tale of between a child and a invites us to consider our responsibilities towards the and makes a direct plea to end

2 3

Gm my loves, My first collection on is up and it’s called “shadow work”, in which I come to accept the dark parts of myself. It’s a very vulnerable yet playful collection. I’d love for you guys be a part of this self discovery. Check the link below out for more.

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Lots of Fiverr level art going bananas while sleeping giants await discovery. Just doubled up.

1 6

Raid Boss Fact

I found a bunch of Cornetto's in the bottle of a freezer today. A very pleasant discovery.

3 11

Segundo o THR, o cancelamento de 'Strange Adventures' foi feito alguns meses atrás, antes da fusão da Warner Media e Discovery.

O site também afirma que o cancelamento da série, que nunca saiu da fase de desenvolvimento, não tem relação com a redução de impostos da empresa.

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"Magellanic Cloud" is a breathtaking and colorful painting by Karen Bognar Khan, an innovator in Contemporary Realism. She offers multi-dimensional images for endless exploration and discovery. Her was initially inspired by quantum physics.

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Threading through desolate towns in the Californian desert and the distant galaxies of her dreams, filled in on her web3 journey of (self)-discovery. - by me.

17 41

16/ ♥ Thank you!

🏆You read this whole thing you champ!

Thanks for indulging me in one of my ADHD pastimes and joining me on my journey to creative discovery.

Come check out more of my craziness with my first newsletter! Kicks off at 50 subs:

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Day 4- Self discovery.
He discovered affection just because some barista held his hand. He's prolly thinking "receiving something like this is close to vulnerability, therefore this'll be the last time this will happen and I should avoid this at all times"

10 53

Thank you for nominating me to take part in

Day 1: I started drawing again after a very long gap with pastels portraits, mainly of Klingons from Star Trek Discovery.

I nominate

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