"Oh land of has saved you,

from the disaster that befell the land of Gurganj and Kath"

—Divan of Anvari Balkhi on the brutal invasion of

Khorasan eventually faced the same fate as neighboring Khwarezm: annihilation.

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для KoskinDivan.
_ _ _ _

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I recently realized that Carwyn looks like Divan who fell into a pool filled with pastel chalks.

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On the divan, self portrait, (1910-20)

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I'm IvanAndIvana, and I like to draw strong dragons and dragonesses.

Sometimes I draw them in a meme thing. Still learning, but going on for two years now!

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Just leave and we're good 🔥

I may or may not be hyper invested in our new campaign and I was so happy I got to play Divan with the gang for the first time //////

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-Joshie, Kazhidra, Ruby Gelás, Nick (Nicolás), Coal (Colby Alden), Alkaid Dubhe, Kuma, Cloud and Raki, Dave, Divan, Sam, Cedric Zamder, Vlad Zamder, Alan (Imma post some of them):

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-I have a couple of OCs matching this orientation, which are Alkaid, Dave, Divan, Ruby (not included in the pics) and Cedric:

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Modernverse Alpha and Divan inspired by s writing
u v u 💕

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Florzinha já acorda divando mesmo na segunda-feira!

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Bearded man and a woman in a landscape
Folio from a Divan (collected poems) by
period, 1658-1659

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io che leggo il mio
sul divano: telefono:

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"In quasi ogni casa si vedevano lacrime e si udivano lamenti, specie nella prima fase dell'epidemia, perchè verso la fine i cuori umani s'erano induriti, e la morte era sempre dinanzi agli occhi".

Oggi nel 1660 nasceva lo scrittore


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probably way too laaate but if u wanna ♡ Here's my son Divan (u v u )
He mainly is a fire magic user, barkeeper aaand heavy smoker ♡

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Vivid, quick touches of colour animate the canvas of this painting by Berthe Morisot, a French painter who exhibited with the Impressionists.

Find out more about 'Girl on a Divan' at our 10-minute talk today at 4pm in Room 44: https://t.co/SZRo7heCcG

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Malgrat que va fer “El divan” a la pintura és un preludi dels seus anys a París tant pel que fa al context (locals nocturns, tavernes, bordells) com pels traços i colors emprats. Més detalls: https://t.co/6pixKMQrnG

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