🦔💛Ilustración Oficial de Super Sonic vs el Dr. Eggman para el mes de Diciembre 🥚🥸

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Welcome to Sweet Mountain! Insulin will be provided at a marginal extra cost: and by marginal, we mean enormous.

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I blame this look for greatly influencing my love for furry bear Eggman in tank tops that are adorably too small. it hugs him perfectly to show off his perfect figure! the titties, the chest hair, the tummy... he's GORGEOUS 💜💕💘

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Day 24: Wind
I know, I had in mind the reference to Knight Of The Wind but I changed my mind and I remembered this scene in Babylon Garden from Sonic Riders and I think Eggman couldn't against wind

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No matter where you go, I’ll be there.
No matter what you do, I will stop you.
No matter how long it takes, I will never stop!
I think you and I are destined to do this for eternity.

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Based on one of the alternate concept designs for Eggman in Sonic Adventure 1.

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