get familiar with Marty Mandrillz of

He loves to hit things with his toy hammer all day. Anything and everything. His mind is similar to that of a young child's however there is a certain genius and power that his unique state of mind brings

0 10

awesome - we didnt know! Watch out for our World Cup Drillz ;-)

1 6

If i see a Mandrillz or a companion as your pfp i follow simple as that.
We are all part off the same horde💪🔥🔥

18 66

thanks! its one of my faves of this iconic collection

I love the <3

Good art is the glue that binds communities together no matter what blockchain

You can tell that put a lot of love into the drillz collection🙏

They out here building beehives too !❤️‍🔥

0 3

Some will probably never be listed but there are a lot of deals right now on if you love and !!

put a lot of love into these and is currently pouring his heart and soul into drillz 2nd .. the Companions

9 32

the art speaks for itself... it is the glue that binds this awesome community and makes the drillz what they are...

..the IRL beehive building and bigger picture long term vision with legal compliance in mind is just a bonus.

glad to have you brooaaar!!🍻

2 9

Mallards one of the must haves for sure for sure! I'd recommend 5 mallards... at least one for each school of thought.

As far as mandrillz one of each fur type for that super collector status.. only 88 of us possible.

Also discord is important for all nft projects

0 1

yo screw you for declining my offer on this whoever you are 🤣😂🥲

jk... you know that your drillz worth more and I respect that.

To be real though, this beauty shouldn't be listed at all rn IMHO

2 18

love bees! (several bee hives already built and kept IRL)

If anyone still had doubts who is one of the most creative artists in the space, this should convince even the last ones.

Mint: Sep 20th

8 24

yeah pretty sure some of keeps their drillz on a ledger if I'm not mistaken.

0 2

New and new

got 2 offers on drillz out there as well I like that I hope get accepted 🤞

frens check these projects out.. multichain is the way

0 7

even tho u poke fun of ADA most of us over bar forgive and love you too. Stop by for a drink sometime.. we got champagne, liqour / mix drinks and brews!!

0 5

lil change to honor one of my favorites ... it is a peek at the Companions that are dropping to help build drillz city👀

7 36