"Ancient Egyptians understood that honeybees were important go-betweens between life on earth & life in the heavens."🐝
Creator of Hivecubator 2.0 in Mike Bianco considers the long relationship of humans and bees: https://t.co/ye7IbKhs8o

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Recreation of Akhenaten looking up to Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Was Sirius the home planet of the Egyptians?

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We, P3, have had an amazing time learning more about the Egyptians at the Kelvingrove today! We even held artefacts over 3000 years old.

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The ancient Egyptians were enjoying the Lotus flowers by soaking them in wine.
Frankly, the effect of the flower is very similar to small doses of MDMA, or ecstasy – it gives those who take it a feeling of relaxation, happiness, and euphoria.
Find… https://t.co/tZBA5aID9D

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No one really knows where the exclamation point and the question mark started, but one theory is that the Ancient Egyptians based it off of cats’ tails.

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The number of finger joints on each hand (excluding the thumb) makes it possible to count to 12 by using the thumb. Egyptians and Babylonians were fond of counting in base twelve like this and this is why we have 24 hours in a day & 60 minutes in an hour https://t.co/zIZ5sMvBZq

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is harvested from trees by cutting the bark and collecting the droplets of resin which ooze out. Highly regarded as an and even as an (charred, ground up and applied as kohl by ancient

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Discovered in 1912, in Amarna, Egypt, the painted, limestone bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Pharoah, Akhenaten. The bust can now be seen at the Altes Museum, Berlin Photo from the Photo Researchers collection

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The Romans, the Gauls, the Celts, the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians and Assyrians, the Hittites, the Persians, the ancient Chinese and Indians...
All these proud chariot riding civilisations and none managed to reach this pinnacle...

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Look what's in our newly updated KS2 Egyptians pack

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Egyptians tar stuff is p cool, like this awesome beefcake

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On hot days like this it’s important to do as the Ancient Egyptians did and remember to stay irrigated.

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The Sirians come in many shapes and forms but their connection to the ancient egyptians is undisputed

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Lots has been written about the cinnection between ancient Egypt and Sirius. How could the Egyptians have posessed all the astronomical knowledge unless they had been visited by the Sirians?

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Historians believe, the old Egyptians were the first civilisation to keep cattle.

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Applying many of the same methods for her as ancient Egyptians and Romans did, 2018 IWAF artist Sharon Kaplan uses only the finest American, English, French and Japanese enamels to create her 20th century inspired designs that have adorned celebrities.

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Birthday: Richard Lupoff
Magazine Serialization: THE MOON MEN
Comics: "Tarzan and the Egyptians" and "Jane in Pal-ul-don"
See these and more in John Martin's "Anniversaries of February 21" https://t.co/Xo9FahFqnj

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Egyptian God 2: Ra - The Sun God

In ancient writings, it’s believed that Egyptians thought Ra created everything

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From ancient Egyptians to industrious Romans, has reigned as a fine art for more than 2000 years, and the beauty of it's craft can be seen in 2018 IWAF glass artist Sandy Feder's contemporary

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The ancient Egyptians believed that the buzzing of bees was the humming of souls come back from the afterlife. (New pin design!)

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