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There's this cool Live Battle Session on instagram.

And I couldn't stop myself from drawing alongside them. Really inspiring 😆 🌟

Character : Serph from Quantum Devil Saga.

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May I offer some digital devil saga in these trying times?

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Day 30: "Tattoo"

The tear symbol on her face probably has the same paint as her Tribe Color, but if it's a paint, won't it fade at a certain point?

It would be a different story if it was a Tattoo, no?

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Day 29: "Persona"

I think Serph has a very stable personality. A fine combination of Real Serph and Fake Serph.

Their atma combination is also picture this. Pure Black + Pure White = Gray.

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Day 25: "Summon"

Every Tribe Leaders has been summoned by Dissemination Machine. But for what purpose?

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Day 20 : "Uniform"

Their battle uniform is the same but they have their own way to wear it. So I want to picture it with our modern wardrobe.

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Day 22 : "Heroine"

"I'll be your army."

I couldn't stop myself from reading Okeibai's summary about QDSAT 4th Book in the first few sentences, and here is what I grasp from it.

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Day 18 : (Demi) "Fiend"

It was a hard battle...
The strange demon blow his final attack to Serph but luckily, he was too distracted and hasn't realized that Heat is behind him...until it was too late.

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Im done with DDS, working on my review atm. What an amazing experience! **I have no clue who this art is from, but damn is it beautiful!

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Denji becomes smart while the rest of the world goes dumb. Or does he?

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rewatching the cutscene movie for this masterpiece

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Day 14 : "Hunger"

"Demon has to devour in order to survive. And if we lose control..."

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Happy Birthday 🎁🎉🎉

I couldn't think of a better present beside this, and thank you for accompanying me these years talking about DDSAT/QDSAT ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

"Shin Minase Unofficial Concept Art"

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Day 12 : "Sheep"

Little Cielo got a present 🎁

A Sheep Plushie 🐏!!

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Day 11 : "Rest"

Taking a rest when you know someone will be there when you wake up , keeping you save, feels pretty calming.

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