画質 高画質

Ao desobedecer Hades e Perséfone, Eurídice foi levada ao mundo dos mortos, sem previsão de volta.

Com uma tristeza profunda, Orfeu ficou perambulando durante dias sem comer e beber. Depressivo, resolveu nunca mais amar nenhuma mulher, o que levou a fúria das mênades ...👇

1 6

Too many humans have lost sight of the most fundamental of human values: care for each other and the rest of the Earth community.

19 73

📣#Grendel 3 ()

Després d'haver tastat la sang de drac, la Camèlia pateix una profunda transformació que fa que els seus ulls ja no puguin vessar cap més llàgrima...

👉 Amb aquest volum arribem al final de la sèrie.

🗓️ 30/03


12 45

Eu comecei a ler Kakukaku Shikajika e estou em depressão profunda, quero beber veneno

1 1

Late GM✨Fam

“Revolution is an act of love; it is an act of self-fulfillment; it is an act of hope for the future of humanity. It is a fundamental and determined effort by an individual to change himself, the world, and humanity."
Gloria Steinem

1 24

Tarefa pro curso de fundamentos da arte.

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Idk my favorite type of characters are those that legitimately suck but learn to be better. The main trio of Hclw are all fundamentally flawed people who find solace in each other and the motivation to recognize their flaws and be better. It's a beautiful thing I won't forget. https://t.co/Hm6WJGKich

0 4

FINISHED what I'm gonna be offering as a YCH!
PNGTuber (saving up for refundas and to whip me outta the negatives)
It's got like 30 different options for expressions, arms etc!


I'd love to hear some opinions 🥹

7 38

Bom .........me chamo Diogo e eu faço uns rabisco ksjakjakaja
Queria abri comissions, mas acho que preciso me aprofundar um tanto mais antes de começar, então é só isso
Espero que gostem/* -*)/

1 1

More Warped humour to lighten your Monday.

Kickstarter is funded and progressing towards the first stretch goal. Many thanks to everyone who has backed so far!


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"There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery." - Charles Darwin

7 30

GM fellow creatives it’s Funday Monday!

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Hi Kato 😊💜
Here's my lovely "Northern Witch" 💎
She's a witch, a warrior and a wild whisperer.
She can use the power of the northern lights...


1 1

Happy from the fam. Remember, when there’s blood in the streets, you have a huge opportunity to WETH your way into future profits.

5 29