little tired from Sometimes I just want to paint some random vikings or orcs.

6 25

No words I'm extremely tired & overload. Need something like rest. Normal rest. Not as I do usual (voice in the head: "Not play Fallout 4? Are you madman?!"). Zero and Pilot here. And I glad that they here. With me.

8 40

I leave the work I'm back to work at 30 november. So as my goodbye before my personal holidays starting - this miniature. Just love to do something like this for my soul.

1 37

Well evening. And first official for upcoming game "Cryptodemic". As I love... How I low PA genre!

13 51

A little late for but hi! I'm Víctor R., spanish graphic designer and gamedev. Right now making a fanart series

15 18

My first experience in Game for Very small and short, but only mine. Made in .

4 30

Well I want show you what exactly happening with when he love game. I love game.

7 16

Making games is Making tools for games is Making gifs is

160 442

Some new for my nonamed game. 8 frames, some colors. It's how I say you good night night.

5 23

We like women warriors. and for by caiomm.

9 17

But my notes yield results! Here is an obstacle from Zone 4!

4 18

I'm Renee, freelance artist, illustrator & I <3 to make stuff & I'm inspired but all of the

8 15

Evening Some of stuff for game. Next tweet will be zoom'ed frag.

16 42

Wooow for and I want this guy in my team!! hihihi :D

7 13