Bowling alley, service Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman bowling bowl, and with pins in Infinite Painter.

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1. Service geisha/geiko/geigi women relaxing me from a panic attack, with her eyes closed, in Sketchbook
2. Watercolor painting of a service Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman, cheering me up, and relaxing me from a panic attack, in ArtFlow

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1. Service Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman relaxing me from a panic attack drawing and painting.
2. Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman watercolor painting in ArtFlow

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Realistic watercolor geisha/geiko/geigi woman painting in ArtFlow. I used the watercolor splash brush to make this painting in ArtFlow

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1. Glow whisp painting with my eyes closed
2. Spiderweb glow whisp painting
3. Art pencil of a black line
I made these paintings and drawings, while having social anxiety attack episodes
4. Salty watercolor painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman

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Messy watercolor brush in ArtFlow, of a Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman

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1. Japanese geisha/geigi/geiko woman with her eyes closed, by using an artist pencil.
2. Japanese woman wearing pigtails or twin twins and red lipstick with her eyes closed, by using an artist pencil and sythethic web brush.

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Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi women with a soft-round marker in ArtFlow
1. Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman with her eyes closed
2. Brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman

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A bowling alley with a bowling ball of the Japanese flag and red lipstick like a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman.

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Salty watercolor painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman

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1. Watercolor painting of a Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman
2. Japanese flag, with a service geisha/geiko/geigi woman relaxing a person having a panic attack. I made this painting while I was having a mini panic attack.
3. A Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman

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