me icon is very very cute
becuz cezai very very ging
very very love it

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ah ging so this was you? you beat me to it... so i settled for "x" @ the end 😆

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In fact, I'm most satisfied with this one, I gave it the name "See Off", because ging is always being chased by someone, always on the road, Pariston surrounded by reporters asking questions, but his eyes are on the back of the man in the distance, looking forlorn,

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Nach einem Gespräch mit Lucius Familie ging es endlich auf die Route 202. Das Training ging nur langsam voran, da weder ShyGuy noch DonDoof etwas gegen die Staralili ausrichten konnten aber auf einmal sprang ihnen ein Sheinux entgegen. Es war vom Typ Stahl/ Gestein: Wie heißt es?

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Chin Abs ver Vs Ging Abs Ver(crtto:mewchaaa)

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Ging Freecss is the father of Gon Freecss and a Double-Star Ruins Hunter in the Hunter x Hunter anime series. Anime cursor with Hunter x Hunter Ging Freecss and his Hunter License.

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This is Ging's account

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Kite was a Hunter and student of Ging Freecss. He has Nen ability which is called Mad Roulette or Crazy Slots. Hunter x Hunter Kite and Crazy Slots anime cursor.

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not to overshare in public but recently i learnt that i relate to gon's relationship with ging not because of my distant dad but because my mom has always made me do feats to 'earn' her love

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no bcs i set her up only to reveal ging look like this

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hxh coloring i did sometime ago!

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Vannacht ging hier het batterij-bijna-leeg-piepje van een van de rookmelders af. Hond beneden volledig in de stress en wilde de rest van de nacht alleen nog maar zwaar in de weg liggend op bed blijven liggen 😑

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Tag 8 / Traurig
Hier meine Luna an dem Grab ihrer Mutter. Sie verlor ihre Mutter durch eine schwere Krankheit. Für Luna ging die Welt unter da ihre Mutter alles für sie war.. aber Alex sowie Lina und Mik (Freund von Lina) hielten sie auf und halfen ihr durch die schwere Zeit ♥️

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I mean we can discuss? What ging did? I mean, Judge legit doing experiment to his own child to turn them into no emotion soldier, and he did imprisoned his 'failed' son in basement and faked his death so the world.
Yes, sanji is the failed son, because he has emotions.

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Kalender Info

Ich hab mich übernommen, deswegen leg ich den Versand auf Mitte November - damit mir der Kopf nicht abfällt ;)

Mail an die Vorbesteller ging gerade raus, ich hoffe ihr habt Verständnis. Und jetzt setz ich meine Social-Media-Pause fort 🐇💨

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2 - hunter.

"Something more important than the thing you're hunting could be right there by the side of the road."
— Ging Freecss

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