Today has a lot going for it!
02/02/2020 Palindrome Day, a word same forward as backward. Hasn't happened with the date in over 900 years since 11/11/1111
Groundhog day!
Suberb Owl Sunday

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"The Velvet is strong at the Well in the Wood, and the Velvet is the Hour that keeps secrets; but now and then she lets a little secret fall, like a crumb at a feast."


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It’s AND all at the same time. Bask in all the glory!

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The Palm tree saw its shadow, Six more weeks of Florida!

Happy Groundhogs Day.

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A USA (1) i a Canadà (2) celebren avui el Dia de la marmota. És un mètode folklòric usat pels grangers per predir fi de l'hivern basats en el comportament de l'animal quan surt d'hivernar el 2 de febrer.

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In Amerika wird heute der Murmeltiertag gefeiert. In Europa ist der 02. Februar seit der Antike als Tag des Igels bekannt.

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approaches. Observe the weather forecasting duality of this fateful marmot. Let us hope it chooses the right path.

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Here’s one more, then I gotta get back to work. From 2005.

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Ok campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooooold out there today! It's going up against on this weeks pod. Find out which time loop movie we go most loopy for right here

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