Illustration 225 of the 365 Challenge! I’m doing a sketch every day of 2018 with all profits going to Order sketches as cards at 🐦

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You often hear the shooting fraternity frothing at the mouth about satellite tagging raptors as being unnecessary disturbance and possibly fatal. What a load of rubbish, they don't like it because we now know where they meet their end, more often than not on or near grouse moors.

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A monograph of the Tetraoninae, or, Family of the grouse. By Elliot, Daniel Giraud. et all. New York: Published by the author, 1865.

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So a hen harrier makes a short visit to an area of grouse moor and 'disappears' - funny how that keeps happening. … Also amazingly close to where two shot short-eared owls were found in a pothole! …

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I got bored so here, have a Skvader (swedish creature with the head and legs of a hare, and the back wings and tail of a - normally female- wood grouse) ...only changed it to the male wood grouse because they make for better colors XD <3

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The Sharp-tailed Grouse, a bird of the prairies in northern US and Canada, is so named because of its relatively short tail with two longer, central tail feathers.

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The Dusky Grouse was formerly considered the same species as the Sooty Grouse; together, they were known as the Blue Grouse.

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No more excuses, , how many sat tagged hen harriers have 'disappeared' on grouse moors?

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Walk & sketch. Threshfield (grouse) Moor - there were traps set to catch stoats wesels etc. but had caught only rabbits!

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Grouse mountainへハイキングに行ってきた。4時間もかかって、疲れ切っている😂60度くらいの斜面は厳しすぎ😂そうは言っても、頂上から見る景色は最高〜〜〜(カナダっぽい遠足🇨🇦

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"Mah airsacs bring all the chicks to the yard" Sage grouse duder.

The things I draw when left to my own devices...

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"Management of grouse moors and protection of hen harriers should not… be incompatible"

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