Day 430: In which their command of Photoshop is second only to their commanding fear of motivated students. I

64 119

Times gone by... when the pen was mightier than the sword...

by Stahler

23 49

This Saturday, it’s time to flood the streets and send a message to the NRA and the lawmakers they bankroll that their small minded, profit-driven stranglehold on public policy is coming to an end.

46 91

I would have been very scared if some of my teachers had guns


56 89

The idea to arm teachers in the US is not only a terrible idea but a clear indication of Trump's poor mental health

0 4

"I believe the best political cartoons come from a place of outrage and anger." talks to cartoonists and

6 5

NEW LAW: Legislators that take ANY must allow all legal (loaded) into their offices/events.

They hide from in gun-free buildings, protected by guards--but leave us vulnerable to

108 215

Again. Where are our leaders? Or at the very least, their humanity?

27 40

Nothing has changed - my 2015 San Bernardino cartoon

86 131

Only in America - Thoughts and Prayers simply don't work -

17 33