Early morning autumn days are very comfy, spend them cuddling the one you love! Art by CentaurHillZone!

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361/100 I dunno, but I think I might've caught a cold or something? A tad feverish and energy has plummeted~ We'll see after a good nights sleep!

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359/100 So many new friends, so much art to be seen! ❤️#arttreat

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356/100 Woffff, gonna preload tonight, and be ready for some swell ol' time!

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354/100 Meet Stanley and Stan, the dream team!

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353/100 Alienish fellow, with his kiddo!

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349/100 How do I even tablet anymore 👀#Arttreat

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315/100 Co-Stream extravaganza over on did the "spoopy" fellow first, then ended on making the Mummy, which I adore quite a lot, fun times!

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306/100 Quick one, been doing things in Illustrator - May or may not be connected to streaming stuff

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305/100 Druid of some sort? I seriously need to give my characters more of a backstory, at least giving them a name

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303/100 Didn't finish this, but was drawing this during a massive costream with real fun! and Thank you to for the Raid!

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302/100 Drunk, so kinda quick one, asked what to draw, and kinda did it; stream tomorrow, and a bit better hopefully

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Hey my name is Aj. I’m a cartoonist, writer, and cat dad of 2. I’m working a webcomic about an aspiring wizard and his familiar rabbit and the weird town that they live I called “Oak Hillz”. Also a huge anime nerd.

IG: https://t.co/hQZFAhcFij

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293/100 I keep making new characters but I don't give them any names or purpose. It's a bad habit

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292/100 Progress report; Hair is way more fun to draw when simulating painting

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291/100 WIP Really enjoying drawing/painting this one!

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