Missing heronstairs friendship hours

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some more sloppy doodles continuing off of shoots & splatters:
Toph - Mossystone
Aang - Larkbreeze
Sokka - Wolfberry
Katara - Heronsplash
Zuko - Minkblaze

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Fae won with the power of love and peace, and threw a fluffy pancake party with all the herons! SQUAWK SQUAWK! Woo! But Lethe was not happy with all this noise. AHHHHH! MY CATNAP! She started shooting waterballoons with her proton canon! u/lamiapony

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it’s missing heronstairs hour

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Need help les gens doués en botanique (RT pour sauver des plantes) :
- mon bamboo sacré est sec depuis plusieurs jours, j'ai beau l'arroser mais aucun chgmt
- j'ai des pucerons à un tt petit endroit sur mon lierre
- il y a plein de moucherons qui volent au dessus de mon potager

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I did this digital drawing today as part of a one hour live draw on Instagram. Blue herons don’t mind the snow. Drawn using the iPad Pro and Procreate.

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I'm Rey! I'm an autistic 21 year old environmental studies/political science major from FL!

I do art! My main OC Weylas Heronstride is an endearing tiny wood elf on the spectrum! He is a support mage on and off the battlefield, rescues/rehabs stray cats, and loves to snack!

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Look how nicely these herons and egrets are maintaining their distance! If these wading birds can do it, so can we!

These images are hand-painted prints from Rex Brasher’s massive, limited-edition, 12-volume set 'Birds and Trees of North America.' More: https://t.co/k4A7BFs41H

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New artwork for sale! - "Dance of the Herons Statues" - https://t.co/qekiQdF66m

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Well.... Lo intenté con Heronstairs, me basé en esos fanarts 💛

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This is a public service announcement:


That is all.

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Was going through some old art and,,, Wow. How both my baby and art style have grown. Weylas Heronstride in 2018 vs 2020. Still have to update his look for his time in the Rp guild's Cyrodiil campaign, but still - damn!!!

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Blake made an EDH Primer for Sigarda, Host of Herons! He's played the deck every weekend for over 4 years! Give it a read: https://t.co/HNR75WLbAs

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messing with herons...

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Shop Tatiana's beautiful prints https://t.co/AGzFPfQioQ ・・・ I am fascinated by birds. Small and big, bright and humble - I find them all interesting in their own way. Most people think that herons are too lanky and gawky.

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Realized I haven't drawn my bosmer in a hot minute, so here he is! Weylas Heronstride! He is my main pve and RP character; an ouze-aligned pactbreaker that doubles as a tiny tank for vet dungeons.


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Who let this man have a son
Bosmer (right) is my character Weylas Heronstride, right argonian belongs to

Tiny dad, giant son. Both disasters.

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