Awesome stuff fam!! I won a raffle for this bebeh!! So many great perks of being in the community!

1 18

The larval gems are an amazing addition to the discord. That I can use to either get an awesome piece of artwork or another bebeh to your family. Don’t sleep on

1 14

is home away from home for many, a place to connect and be with like minds. Truly love the art & stay for the community! 💚#HodlTheTodl

29 55

This is an example of how expertly built the TP community is. By participating in the discord and twitter, I earned enough Larval Gems ( currency within the discord) to receive this amazing new edition to my portfolio. Do yourself a favor and join us.

32 102

Strongest NFT community out there six hands down is

0 12

Could not have said it any better myself. is a different type of project. I have never felt more at home in an nft community

0 17

Day of my investigation into . It's been troubling, to say the least. This oddity was tougher to find and wasn't as obvious as the others.

9 43

has hi res images and will do the job getting the people to talk for sure!! I mean we have a toddler with 6 arms, a zombie furby, a bloody butchers knife, fungi on the head don't call him a funguy!! C'mon

25 43