
Some flats

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Me and my boyfriend drawn in the style of Gravity Falls. I watched the entire series for the first time not that long ago and totally loved it!

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I learned about Swordtember the other day. Here's a weapon I drew a while back. It's kind of a sword? Hopefully I'll manage to draw some new swords later this month.

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In truth, I like the idea of lying down on the grass, but I do not like to actually do so. I just detest bugs too much.

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A while ago, my cat crushed this light box I made, and I finally fixed it. Then it got crushed again the very next day. I'm glad I have this photo.

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Children have such colourful personalities. No wonder they have such vibrant imagination.
# colours

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This started out just as a scribble like my post yesterday, However, I wanted to be a little more creative by adding a stream.

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This started with me just messing around. But then I thought to put more effort into it and I ended up creating this cool jungle scene.

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