SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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Semplicemente, Leggendario.
Ci ha lasciato, a 80 Anni, il disegnatore autentica colonna del Fumetto Mondiale.
Memorabile il suo lavoro in DC Comics.
Rivolgo le mie silenziose condoglianze alla famiglia, e a chi ama la Nona Arte, e oggi perde un Maestro.

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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Prudence Heward, artista candese dipinge spesso figure femminili dai
colori forti, densi, realizzando figure di una plasticità semplicemente fantastica

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ART BET TIME!! if i can hit 500 followers by my birthday (may 2nd) i will draw everyone who replies as a flower!

here's some of my art as extra enticement :-)

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

1 1

SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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SSR - Enticement to a Waltz of the Evening Darkness

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