Meeeeerde ! Alors ça, les gens, c'est ce qu'on appelle un fail magistral d'écriture. En gros, il y a quelques temps, j'ai designé le personnage de Frieda, pour Vileland (cf. image), qui a l'apparence d'une nonne. Et dans ma petite tête, je me suis dit

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if願望語 59th
それでもUWに行きたい!ここでしか登場しない魅力的なキャラもたくさんいるし!…そしてエルドリエ{霜鱗鞭(鞭)},レンリ{雙翼刃(投剣)}(no image),イスカーン{拳闘士(体術?)}あたりを戦わせるには新武器出さなきゃいけねぇよなぁ運営さん?(でも魔法はさすがにいらないから安心して。)

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of Coco Adel, queen of my heart. I've now drawn her with both hat and sunglasses (not in the same image), and I still like her best without them.

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Still Hold (plus details image), Acrylic on Canvas, 100x120cm by Karine Léger.

7 July - 1 August 2018
Karine Leger
Susan Laughton
JFK Turner
Jo Hummel Newell

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I took something I did in 2010 (2nd image) and redrew it to my current style (1st image), just to see what has changed/improved or could use some improving. These were random characters I created back then - no sense of clothes design at all! 😂

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We’re releasing the VIP preview in 9 hours for our next show ‘Dreamer, Lover, Maker, Fighter’. This is a 4 person show with (image), , , . Contact us if you would like to be added to our VIP collectors lis…

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A great day with the curatorial team exploring the collection of and A treat seeing designs by Lucienne Day (image), John Piper and Barbara Brown.

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Painted at age 12-13. Michelangelo's "The Torment of Saint Anthony" (1488) showed precocious talent. Based on a monochrome engraving by 15th-century German artist Martin Schongauer (second image), Michelangelo dramatically altered the image adding landscape, colour & fish scales.

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Really excited to share this! I did the art for 's front page (first image), as well as a Christmas-themed story! All of this took 12 days. (1/4)

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