Error, el que forma parte de MarinChimairamon es Gesomon, no MarinDevimon. Se nota por el numero de garras que tienen los tentáculos y porque además Gesomon tiene ventosas y MarinDevimon no.

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ภาพหลานจ้านวัยเยาว์ เอามานั่งเติมแสงเงาใหม่ ตั้งแต่วาดมา ชอบภาพนี้ที่สุดแล้ว :D

Please do not repost!!

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Did a doodle with Indev - he’s my kinkiest HHOC

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The public update for May has been posted on Patreon! This time it includes a changelog for TRB 1.3 and we talk a bit about THB indev 1's release, including a teaser!

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Well in that case I've got my gobbo Gabby (hugely creative I know) here drawn by Sin-Chan and Grimdevil/TheFugginDevil

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BreakingNews:Inyuasha Untitled Sequal Project Spinoff Series Is InDevelopment

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I've put together concepts and sketches of Neros SDT designs if you guys are interested in seeing, this is going to be a thread

so here's the final design ones:

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📚SacréePileAlire📚 récit de l’occupation allemande dans la lignée du d'#EmileBravo & des histoires de ! prometteur 😊 > demain!

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😏 Une petite page de publicité :

Why did you escape?"

🤭✏✂️©️Flâneuse Moderne

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Toute ressemblance avec une situation existante n’est que pur hasard. Restez dans votre bocal et prenez soin de vous mes petits poissons rouges ;)

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Soyez responsables, restez confinés ! Il faut s’adapter mais ça protége vos proches, ça vous protège, ça sauve des vies et ça aide le ❤🙏

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Des petites images piochées par-ci par-là pour égayer le !



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I've seen going it here and there so I wanted to give it a go too.

Start / Finish

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The finished piece.

I still need to write the text that needs to go with it but at least... it's done.

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