The (95%) complete world of Tsufana, where the events of VENAITURA play out. Our heroes shall find many treasures and overcome countless obstacles in their quest to topple the dreaded tower!

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This night's been spent testing and balancing the battle against the latest of the Six Purveyors of Doom the party's run into. The dragon's supposed to be MUCH bigger, so that'll be fixed! But right now? STATS and NUMBERS!

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🎮In the last months I've been working on an game called Demon King's Heir. I'm so close to finishing the game but until its launch, have a little demo!🎮

Check it out here!

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🎮The Book of Daniel talks about four kingdoms that precede the "end-time". One of them is represented as a
ten-horned beast with iron teeth, thought to represent the Roman Empire🎮

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The halfway point~! I'm gettin' there, people! I'm at the point in the game where enemies need a slight boost to their HP and durability to make most ailments a more viable option. It's tricky, I gotta say!

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Here's a few of the kids from the which is a brand new which is currently in production by aka James Mullen a legendary

The premise is you play the "meddling kids" in stories ranging from Famous Five to

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🎮There's plenty of with a very elusive enemy that drops a huge amount of exp after defeating it. The one in 11C is the Writers, a group of four beings based on the evangelists🎮

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🎮King James IV of Scotland wrote the book Daemonologie, which classified various folkloric creatures as demons. Some of them were the fairies, classified as familiars🎮

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🎮Eleven Commandments has a Vatican themed dungeon, so I thought it'd be nice to put some pontifical swiss guards protecting it. Cool uniform, isn't it?🎮

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Would highly recommend checking out this indie game

200% mixed juice published by and developed by orange_juice is a old school RPG which is heavy story based

Will b uploading gameplay 2 my YouTube channel

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🎮Some goblin enemies from Eleven Commandments. They appear as one of the main antagonists' soldiers.🎮

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