kof, always on point with character design

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Yo, eu me chamo Guilherme, mas atendo pelo pseudônimo de Karkof, sou um artista de 18 anos com problemas de internet e que vive sumindo das redes sociais.

Alguns artistas que Karkof recomenda:

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Desculp a repetição de KOF, é que eu não tenho muito repertório de joga de luta 😬 https://t.co/kjtIzgolDy

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disclaimer: i havent played some fgs enough to have a set main, but i definitely enjoy them a lot. ie. sf, kof, and under night https://t.co/hyzO9hQ4Em

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☀️ "SNK Allstar" KOF Spin-off Mobile Game Announced: (https://t.co/YuliWbXb7p) ⬅ Features Over 70 Characters from KOF, Last Blade & Samurai Shodown.

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Waifu Favorita: Lorelei, en los remake tiene un papel más allá de ser derrotada en la liga y que coleccione peluches se me hace adorable

Waifu Menos favorita: Angel de KoF, lástima que SNK solo la quiera para el fanservice

3 panas: y cualquiera que quiera hacerlo https://t.co/L7wQT8rFra

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Today, 9th July is the birthday of Hiroaki Hashimoto🎉
He was employed by SNK in the 90s and has worked on various titles like KOF, SvC: Chaos, Garou. Beside SNK games, he has also worked on Super Street Fighter IV, SF X Tekken, Soul Calibur 6. Let's appreciate some of his works

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The roster was going to be like a "Smash Ultimate" of KOF, having all (possible) KOF characters from '94 to XIII, while also adding new characters that were never playable on the main games (like Diana, Yuki, Syo, among others). Me and friends did art for some of them (...)

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Bored so I did Mina as Queen Angel from KOF, I wish I could have used a more similar coat but it's still fine xD

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롤이랑 Kof, 샤오무를 좋아하는 그림쟁이입니다.
열심히 그림공부중이며 한 달이나 두 달 뒤 커미션 함 열어볼 예정

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As formações anteriores que eu fiz se baseavam na fórmula KOF, FF e AOF. Porém jogos como KOF 94, 95, 96, 99, 2002UM, 2003 e XIII fizeram com que os times das garotas não tivessem uma personagem original representando KOF.

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I got Smash, KoF, SoulCal, and Tekken.

Comment below and I’ll give you four series to pick your faves from ☺️ https://t.co/a08ko9bNQ2

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I got Persona, KOF, BlazBlue and Street Fighter

I know literally NOTHING about KOF, I just always thought Kula looks cool https://t.co/FWxGnrnkMB

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❤️Dear Every One I would be happy if you could spread the post.
I draw illustrations of old and new fighting games every day. If you are interested,Please follow me.🥰You can see not only Dark Stalkers but also KOF, SNK, TEKKEN, etc.😎👍

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Shermie da Collab do KOF, fiz muy rapidon, fiz on FAIA

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今日は鎮元斎さん(KOF)、霧島翔くん(KOF, 京サマのプロトタイプ)、SNKの小田P(KOFのプロデューサー)のお誕生日です🎂
Today is Sir.Chin(KOF), Sho Kirishima(KOF, Kyo's prototype) & Mr.ODA(KOF's producer)'s birthday.

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Kula from KoF, please!

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"how tf do people make promo posts" -me, 2020

hi I'm Keegan and I owe my life to an obnoxious crow, an angsty black dude in leather, and a blue bastard
I like Touhou, KOF, Sonic, and rambling about really specific game design shit

(right-wing jackoffs need not apply, ofc)

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4 games that define(d) me?
SM and SF2:WW should be obvious.
SOTN is both in obvious and not obvious ways.
And 98...for the record, I SUCK at 98, and while not my first KoF, its the game that REALLY got me hardcore into KoF. And Mary.

My hometown NEVER got 97. https://t.co/d98F2cMSjK

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Doodle_KOF, 鉄拳
[Past works] (2019)


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