Congrats !

Hello there. I'm Mokkoristador. Mangaka, Art streamer ( and bear knight.

I do mostly fanarts now but I'm developing my OC's.

I work digitally, mainly B&W drawings with manga techniques.
Currently in the middle of my biggest fan-art yet.

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Hello there, Mokkoristador, art streamer (, mangaka,and gentlebear. I mainly do fanarts and sometimes Oc's.
Currently in the middle of a big fresco(WIP available on the live channel)

Check , and three lovely artists

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Također, žene ne moraju nositi oklope i biti badass ladies.
Oklopi su teški i osoba koja ih nosi se brzo umori te nisu za velike koristi sem na bojnom polju. Fantasy likovi koji se bave rogue-ish glupostima nose stiliziranu odjeću.

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Hello there, Mokkoristador, mangaka, art streamer ( I do mostly fanarts but I'm working on OC's too :)

Currently on a big fresco, (WIP available on my live stream), so my art posting lately is poor, but I should be back as soon as It's done ^^

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Hello there. Great artshare, saw a few nice pieces here :)

Mokkoristador, mangaka, art streamer (
Knight of love and bears.

Working on a big fresco, so I don't post much art lately (WIP is streamed on regular basis^^)

do some good stuff too ^^

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El general político del espacio Koris, pasa de cero a mil.

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My not so lady-like dragon born lady, Korish.

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Mokkoristador here, french illustrator, bear lover, art streamer and occasionnal lewd artist ( it's SFW here ). Here is a small preview of my past works ^^

My next big release is a Macross fresco, who is set for the end of summer ^^

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Senzou deserves a big group hug!

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I had to draw this after reading the first volume of ’s The characters are so amazing ❤️

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Unatoč još uvijek postojećim ograničenjima u pružanju usluga Knjižnice uslijed primjene protuepidemijskih mjera, na portalima NSK korisnicima i široj javnosti dostupan je vrijedan fond digitalnih knjiga.

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one of my korishi sector hopefuls...shes an urban explorer but she read about plague doctors Once and was like. Thats my persona now!

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Day 2 of reposting old art
Another ych.commishes piece, this time from likoris666.
Apart from the sexy dancing at clubs, miyako also enjoys regular dancing, mostly the energetic kind that helps build sweat up

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if i was a goat i'd hide my face with my ears all the time tbh 😳
but i'm a cat so i can't!!
<commission for rainbowsparkle91 feat. koris the goat>

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Congrats on the step ^^

Hi, Mokkoristador, digital artist, streamer, mangaka and graphic designer from time to time.
I draw fan-arts, OC's, and sometime I give little tips on my livestream

and , two great artist I recommend ^^

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Mokkoristador, ancien nom The-Hige sur DA
Streamer, illustrateur, Mangaka amateur, graphiste a ses heures perdues. Je travail principalement en digital, même si de temps en temps de fais du tradi.

Allez check qui fait de belles choses ;)

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I love making characters! These are a few of my spooky children.
My art -->

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An early contribution for here is Part 1 of a new header image of my three-colour walkers.

Featuring Koris, the elven anti-mage paladin, and Minerva, the giant ogre mercenary.

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