I drew my family some custom posters for Christmas! for my brother, my sister, for my youngest sibling, for my mom, and for my dad (RDR2 poster in reply)

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On this day December 25th 3018 T.A., at dusk, the company of the Ring leaves Rivendell.


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Fingolfin - EvissOmiros

Fingolfin was the first High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand

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Eowyn and the Nazgul - Deligaris

Leave the dead in peace!" A cold voice answered: 'Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn.

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Sto riguardando per l'ennesima volta e ogni benedetta volta è un colpo al cuore.

Niente può superare la trilogia più bella di ogni era.


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Elendil - kimberly80

Elendil was also known as Elendil the Tall, as he was the tallest of the Men who escaped the Downfall. Accounts differ as to his exact height, but he was at least seven feet tall

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