...not only thematically appropriate (hello, reboot), but re-invigorated my excitement for the series after a particularly grim (albeit excellent) patch of stories altogether.

Much like Alex and Lorna, I just needed some time away from Claremont's X-Men after finishing grad...

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- Inspirado en la historia del Uncanny X-Men nº231, de Chris Claremont y Rick Leonardi ✍🏻

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Her brief visit to a north Scots town (where, for as fame-starved as she often is depicted, she seems largely unknown) concludes with the arrival of Juggernaut, a fight Ali is determine to make.

My betters in the community of Claremont-obsessed Con(n)ors (read: )...

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..X-Man to the book helps remind us not only how different the team is from the last time he was seen, but adds to the generational sense of the X-Men Claremont had hoped to establish sending Cyclops off to pasture.

Callisto–delightful agent of chaos and well-earned rage–acts...

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...opener as one can get on Muir Island, Claremont helps establish the developing dynamic among the X-Men's newest members; the reality, though, is that there is little dynamic at all.

For the first time since Giant-Sized, the book feels entirely new. While its core cast is...

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Good evening friends, and welcome back to another issue of our readthrough of the Claremont Run!

Tonight, we're reading (long-awaited by ) UXM an issue which feels decidedly like the first truly post-Massacre story of the Run.

While the book isn't without its...

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The opening story in this is called Food Fight. Both of these titles lack so much gravitas I feel like either Chris Claremont was too powerful to be questioned or he had no power and they made him take it.

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En 20 minutos comenzamos directo y sera EXTENSIBLE ya que jugaremos Genshin, hablaremos de varios temas interesantes y tenemos la 1.5 de Tower of Fantasy 🤭

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2020 x 2022
"ouço falarem que o esforço vence o talento
gosto desse argumento" - https://t.co/NIxbuMNwY2

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Hoy veremos el State of Play, hablaremos un poquito del Nintendo Direct y si sobra tiempo se jugará algo, entren ahora para ir haciendo apuestas de lo que veremos esta noche!


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Desde hoy, según su calendario oficial, tenemos a la venta las siguientes novedades de Kitsune Manga:

💕 Nos las arreglaremos (más o menos), nº1
🧸 Kuma, Kuma, Kuma Bear, nº 2
👩‍❤️‍👨 El amor de Mobuko, nº 4

🔗 https://t.co/CJcLIsS0y1 📚 https://t.co/SUpD9ypAii

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Even for this almost unkillable mutant, though, the endurance test of being a Claremont-character proves too much; his animal state can't protect him from his pain–or himself–and the man breaks down, howling into the night.

Introducing the issue through Logan's mental state...

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🎞️En el próx hablaremos de otros 🛡️ 2 héroes clásicos. 🏰Uno, un rey con un camino lleno de valores; el otro, ⚔️un enmascarado que defiende a los más débiles, sin que nadie sepa su identidad. 📚“Héroes Sin Iguales 2”, aquí la Parte 1: https://t.co/M1jlHVw05V

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Ever the avatar of Claremont's frustration with the decisions (of other writers) beyond his control, CC takes some time early in this issue to advance Madelyne's plot while seemingly cementing her relationship to the Phoenix Force, and by extension, Jean.

I'm unsure of the...

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...lingering effects hang over the book and its cast like an albatross.

But before our reunion with the X-Men begins, we first visit the memories of Madelyne Pryor as she relives the terror of the plane crash, effectively captured by Claremont's high-density prose and narration.

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Hoy se cumplen 30 años de sin duda una de las mejores adaptaciones que se han hecho del y su panteón de personajes. Hoy hablaremos de ella en El Freakshow. Va una galería de mug shots creadas por Juan Fernando García "El Black Bat". (2/4)

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En el marco del Festival VLP 10, charlaremos y presentaremos el segundo volúmen de la antología 8TRACK+.

Participan: Femimutancia, Cel Mandanici, Dani Arias, Ramona II, Mir Uberti
Modera: Anahí Blue

Sala Tango 21hs. / Feliza

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Se não falarem metálico, ficarei decepcionado kk https://t.co/NCOac2DlFd

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Hoy si se termina de descargar Shadow of the Tomb Raider voy a hacer stream jugándolo, si no se termina de descargar para la hora del stream haremos stream de otra cosa jeje
Recuerden que el Stream comenzará a las 20:00 hora Argentina.
Mañana reaccionaremos a videos y hablaremos

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