the colours from the screenshot were muggy so i tried to fix it 😔

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Muggy the Agarwood creature. A friendly but little mischief one with human, except with Luna. Really love to make fun of Luna's friends. Heavily Inspired from Data (Megaman Legends 2) character (DATA IS SO CUTE THO ^^ ✨)

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The still going....
Running out of maganese blue.
Can’t quite show how muggy it is.... I could spray honey on the page to make it sticky I suppose!

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Rising From the
On a hot muggy day? Cool off! :)

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Hello all. Wishing you a cool and relaxing day on this hot and muggy Sunday. Peace and Love. 🥰❤️💜🧡💛💚💙☮️

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Rising From the
On a hot muggy day? Cool off! :)

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Rising From the
On a hot muggy day? Cool off! :)

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Crippling headaches ... hate this muggy weather it’s torture on my head :( can’t function today ... pressing reset

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Here's my persona! Planning on using her alongside my mascot character.

Yes her nickname is Smuggy

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Question. Should I be trying to Line and not have fun BUT have it look good to most people. Or should I not line and have the muggy dirty style that I love and have more fun drawing and get more done?

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Gorgon... seems interesting SMUGGY character.


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hi i'm felys and I try to draw cute smuggy anime girls in my free time (and I also talk about yotsuba a lot)

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AUGUST 1959: “I had just walked this pretty white girl named Judy out to get a cab. She got in the cab, and I’m standing there in front of Birdland wringing wet because it’s a hot, steaming, muggy night in August.
This white policeman comes up to me and tells me to move on.

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now it all dries up and gets hot, humid and muggy as hell

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I'm redoing the fullbdoy on Aiden's ref because I kiiinda hate the old one, I think the pose and expression don't suit him
but this
.... yes
this is what was missing.
that smirk.
that smuggy, fucking smirk.

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