Monday ghost Captain Ahab loves ghost whales and Pringle sweaters (ghost-whale + argyle pattern)

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Ghost Whale +Argyll pattern
Had a fascinating morning looking at whale skellies!😀

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for today is the GHOST WHALE (Bake-kujira) + ARGYLE PATTERN (um...slight patttern there in mine!) . for

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If only Grandfather Frost’s icy work was deemed non essential (or at least he brought snow). Monday of Ded Moroz + birch trees

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Baby New Year+Your New Year Resolution
Not to catch Covid again
Not to eat every cake that I catch.

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Of course throughout 2020 has enabled us to visit places and strange beasts in our imaginations and for that I’m grateful

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This week's from

It's been a tough year - I hope this festive narwhal can bring you some cheer

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Some of yesterday’s fun challenge drawings over at
- Porcupine + Guardian Angel -
by Isabela (via ), , Rudra (via )

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Monday the guardian angel porcupine patrols the dark B roads looking for hedgehogs to save

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Porcupine + Guardian Angel by Isabela.

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Monday Manticore + Photo Booth. They aren’t really designed for mythical creatures.

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Elf anatomy for Monday Although elves have evolved to live off unwanted candy, modern elves are genetically modified cyborgs adapted for complex assembly tasks

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Hi a Mythical Mashup actually on a Monday, well I think its Monday. A leafcutter Ant-Lion

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It's best to let sleeping lion-ants lie...

Monday's The Myrmecoleon is an 'ant-lion', so a ready-to-go mashup already! ANT + LION

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From my 2 minute reading of Wikipedia there are some difficult dining decisions for a mythical Myrmecoleon (ant + lion hybrid)

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If uncared for household objects acquired a spirit and became Tsukumogami then our landline phone would be seriously grumpy by now. Monday Tsukumogami + an object near you every day

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Deja vu for the Vishap in today's

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A Vishap (Armenian dragon) turns pirate for Monday’s (vishap + sailing ship)

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Monday from
idea from a Twitter comment on another by 👍🏻

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