Day 263: pov you are c!dream and some weirdos from “L’manburg” are staring at you

inspired by the raccoon picture :D

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Manburgs favorite baa baa!

rts get a fistbump

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"My L'manburg Phil. My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished."

Pogtopia era Wilbur is complete :) Please remember to untag when replying :)

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manburg arc Sadge

tubtober day 3!

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l'manburg era i miss u sm

8 74

pov ur lmanburg and u havent surrendered
i jsut think theyre neat lol

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Made old L'manburg and Techno's House in pixel art with a restriction of 4 colours for each

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Man i cant wait for tommy and dreams duel tomorrow i wonder whats gonna happen

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Ayo made a better l'manburg skin lmao /pos
hope you enjoy using it mate <3

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> day 83
// slight body horror / gore
i had this cute idea where wilbur's corpse was disposed somewhere in nature / maybe in the bottom of the lmanburg crater and so when he comes back he's overgrown with flowers and lifeless like a corpse <3 -eve

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headcanon that tubbo picks flowers from overgrown lmanburg and brings them to ranboo sometimes :)

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My Finished Symphony
aka this lighting is shit but i spent so long on the bg lineart ill post it anyways

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