Magical girl, Twilight✨Working on a mane six humanized lineup, I Made her ears dummy massive by mistake hah I’m still trying to work on the look I’m going for

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How I drew Pinkie in 2018 vs 2020. I’m so glad to see my pony style start to develop

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I drew Pinkie and Lil Cheese back when the finale first aired. It’s almost been a year y’all I’m going to cry.

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My Princess Luna redesign is blowing up a bit compared to what I’m used to! Thank you pony fandom hehe💕 also yeah that’s my I want to tweak her design a bit.

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I can’t remember if I posted this, but here’s my Princess Luna headcanon design from about a year ago 🌙 I love her. I really want to do more of these.

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This took me way too long. Also, I think this is the first time I’ve drawn the in Procreate.

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First in the ManeSix Pony Girl Knights. Twilight is ready to fight for her friends.
Follow for the rest of the girls!
I'm so excited to finish them all and see what the stickers look like together!

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Horse Girl Knights (Part6)
Knight Shy. This was really fun! I love Flutters colors.

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Horse Girl Knights (Part 5)
I had to give AJ the anime huge sword.

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