After all, , if & are adding tracks over to then they might as well do the same thing with Tour's characters like vehicles like Wild Wing, parts, power ups (maybe), outfits, paints, & more.


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P҉r҉i҉n҉c҉e҉s҉s҉ D҉a҉i҉s҉y҉ and her 16 eye model

3 16

If there's any Mario Characters that deserve to be added to as by & , it's these guys from

- Pauline
- Diddy Kong
- Dixie Kong
- Birdo

6 11

What does Nintendo have against staying faithful to the original track design and layout? The Tour tracks in particular might as well be called "2" just from how different they are. Super Circuit erasure smh

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I wanted to get my hands onto it wouldn't be playable on some devices, and that includes me... TT^TT

So here, this is my dream set-up if I would have this game. My driver I would use (Waluigi (Bus Driver)), the kart (Macharon), and the glider (Heart Balloons).

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